Mom Dreams

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So often, we live lives of numbing. 

It’s no wonder moms are typically left speechless when asked “What do you dream about doing with your days?”. 

I recently sat (kid free) with my dear girl friend and the topic of the future landed in our laps.  She and I are both at a point in life where our full time job includes raising littles. I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass us by. I simply asked her, “What do you dream about doing?  What feels life giving to you?”.  

She paused.  

A long pause. 

“I don’t know, I can’t remember the last time I thought about it,” she said. 

Later that evening she texted me “I didn’t realize I haven’t really been dreaming anymore.  Not in a ‘woe is me sense’ but I just haven’t dreamed. For someone who was always such a dreamer, I’m not sure what happened.”

Until a few months before our chat, I could completely relate.  I’ve been on a mission to ask the question to my tribe of mamas because my friend and coach had recently asked me that question.  I had been going through a series of tasks and challenges which helped me create a vision, a plan, and dream for my future.  

After that conversation with my mom friend, I realized it’s probably very common that as mothers, juggling 76 plates in the air at the same time with one hand, while holding a baby on the other hip, and closing the dishwasher with a foot,

at some point we stop dreaming about us.

But, there will be a moment when we have the opportunity to lift our heads, look in the mirror, and take a deep breath. A moment to realize we were born with an innate desire to create. Whether it’s creating love, babies, solutions, art, visions, or opportunities.  We are made in the image of the ultimate creator and it makes absolute sense for us to have desires to dream about creating something beautiful. 

Because “Motherhood isn’t a constraint, motherhood is a catalyst”

- Mandy Arioto 

There’s so much behind why dreaming is important.  

  • Life is short, like the steam vapor that comes from an iron. Cliche, maybe.  But I could give you countless examples of lives that were cut short too soon. You have one life, start dreaming and living.

  • Mama, your precious children are watching.  Maybe you haven’t thought about you in a while because you’re so focused on them.  I get it. But they are looking to you as an example for what it looks like to really live. 

  • I don’t believe people are born by mistake. I believe your life has a purpose. 

I want to give you permission right now,.. in this space,… to dream…

What activities fill your cup?

What can you not stop thinking about?

What would you be sad about if you never got a chance to do?

Here are some ideas to get you dreaming: 

  • Grab a journal and answer those questions

  • Start a Pinterest board related to ideas that light you up.

  • Find a life coach to help walk you through what the future can look like.

  • Schedule a call or FaceTime date with a dear friend to bounce ideas off each other about dreams.  So often, we don’t see ourselves and our gifts like others see us. Additional perspective might make the vision more clear. 

I believe we were born to dream and create.  I know you are tired and would probably rather take a nap or a hot shower.  So, grab your calendar or to do list and find some space to dream. 

For encouragement and support for mamas, check out “Moms Inspiring Moms” FB group. 

For more information on life coaching programs, check out Coach Kari’s programs here on The Well.

Dream Big! 

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Ashley Fornshell is a woman on a whole-body wellness mission. Mind. Body. Soul. The focus of her journey has been on using her faith in Christ to cultivate a positive self-worth mindset and overcome food addiction. She and her husband do life in Southwest, Ohio with their two kiddos. She spends her days navigating motherhood, ministering to other moms, writing, and encouraging others on their wellness journey.